Women in Life Sciences

Written by Tamsin

11 / 02 / 2025

Zoe Robson welcomed CEOs of early stage and growth life sciences businesses to Babraham Research Campus for the latest Women in Life Sciences (WILS) breakfast on 6th Feb, in partnership with Rachel Bradley, Partner at Penningtons Manches Cooper.  

Discussion focused initially on compensation structures, and how to remain competitive whilst preserving cash flow. Conversation turned to the relative value placed by employees on a higher salary vs extra benefits and the challenges for earlier stage companies who may not be in a position to offer benefits, until reaching a certain stage. Equity and share options were also discussed, as were considerations around company culture in the hiring process. The breakfast was concluded with a discussion about alignment across the Leadership Team and what US and European investors look for. 

Women in Life Sciences was founded in 2022 and has grown organically, welcoming a loyal and ever-expanding group of start up and scale up CEOs to share insights and discuss the challenges of growing their business. Events are informal, offering CEOs the opportunity to share thoughts from their business journey in an informal setting. 

The next Women in Life Sciences breakfast will take place in the Spring. If you are the CEO of an early stage or growth life science business and would be interested in finding out more about WILS events, please contact Zoe Robson at Bailey Fisher.